Rules & RegulationS

college regulations:

  1. The pupils as well as their guardians are expected keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners. They should address the teachers and the other members of the staff with due respect and politeness.

  2. All pupils should be habitually clean and smartly dressed. Any child who comes shabbily dressed will not be allowed to sit in the class.

  3. If a pupil is absent due to any valid reason the College must be informed well in time.

4. Parents are not allowed to see their wards or interview teachers during school hours.

5. College Property damaged or destroyed will be required to be made good. A suitable fine may also be imposed.

6. Parents are required to fully co-operate with the college authorities in matters of punctuality, discipline and also to take care of the homework assignments and remarks given by the teachers in the school diary.

7. Parents/Guardians are required to deposit the fees of their wards personally. In order to cover the risk of its loss or theft, the money should not be sent through the child, rickshaw pullers etc.

8. The interpretation of any of the regulations or any amendment therein rests entirely with the managing committee of the college. Its decision shall be final and binding on parents. Pupils are strictly forbidden from buying eatables from the street vendors. As such, parents are requested not to give any money to their wards for this purpose

10. A child suffering from contagious or infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend the college so long as a medical fitness certificate is not produced.

11. Every Pupil is required to participate in extra-curricular activities like physical training, drama and exhibition etc.

12. Withdrawal of a child from the college during the session will be subject to payment of fees for the remaining part of 1st or 2nd half of the session as the case may be.

13. The name of a child who does not attend the college within three days of its reopening after the Vacations will be automatically removed from the rolls. Similarly if child remains absent for 15 days without proper information his/her name will also be struck off the rolls. The college reserves the right to readmit such a child. For readmission the usual admission fee will be charged.

14. Parent's/Guardian misbehaving with the Principal/Head Mistress/School and college Staff may have to face the consequences thereof to the extent of removal of their child from the College.

15. Parents/Guardian are requested to sign as having seen :

(a) The notices sent out periodically.

(b) The home work assignments given to the child.

(c) Exercise books in which work has been assessed.

(d) The progress report folder and

(e) The late arrival records in their college Diary.

16. The college bears no responsibility for children who are usually escorted by their parents or servants, if the escort does not turn up even 15 minutes after the College is over. However, if the College's aya or peon in sent, as an escort with the child, the parents are required to pay her/him adequately in addition the charges of conveyance.

17. Report cards and transfer certificates are issued only after realization of all the dues.

18. The college reserves the right to refuse admission to a child who does not get success in a particular class. A two time failure shall not be re admitted.

Note: Separate classes for boys and girls from class VI to XII are held